I feared I wouldn't be able to think of interesting subjects to write about and still follow the advice of keeping it short and to the point. I prepared my first week of posts and held my breath until the first day of posting. I couldn't access my blog from my day job at that time, so I couldn't get into action until I came home in the late afternoon. Imagine my delight when I logged on and found dozens of comments on my post, a dozen new followers and it was only the first day! I spend all evening visiting all sorts of new blogs. It was wonderful.
It did get tougher near the end of the month when my life got a little busier and I didn't have all my posts ready. But I learned from it and am jumping in with all ten fingers dancing across the keyboard. I feel more secure about my ability to be a blog people will like. I'm not so worried about keeping up and measuring up. There will be more experienced and more interesting bloggers on the A to Z than me, but I feel like part of the community. All because I took the challenge last year.
So if you want to increase your blog readership, make some connections and build your web presence, you have to take some chances. Dive in. Join A to Z Challenge or some other type of blogfest promotion. Like this monthly Insecure Writing Blogfest. Don't worry about being the best or the brightest. We're all in the race together.
Do you feel secure in taking on promotional challenges? Are you secure in your blogging or do you worry over your content and audience?
Marketing can take its toll. I've backed off such intense blogging, by necessity, though I know it's a great way to connect with others. I love visiting other writers' blogs, and try to hop on my own when I can.
I had fun with A-Z last year and am really looking forward to it. I loved the most the potential for completely random posts.
I'm looking forward to reading other people's A to Z posts. Next year I hope to be ready to try it myself. :)
I'm in!
You've got to be in it to win it!
The A to Z challenge is great for pushing us and for introducing us to people just like us!
It's a win win!
You've got me thinking about it!
I was still a new blogger last year when I signed up. I think I gained over a hundred followers from the challenge. Not sure what my expectations are for this year. I think I just want to do it because it's fun and does make you feel like you're part of the group, like you said.
Wow, I need to get busy on those posts!
Marketing is the evil brother of having books published - I hate it. But I did the A-Z last year and I really enjoyed it. It made me write every day. I'm in this year!
I did sign up for the A to Z Challenge. It was a lot of fun last year although I did worry way too much that my posts wouldn't be interesting enough. I'm sure I'll be doing the same thing this year too.
I've been seeing this A-Z challenge everywhere and feel like I'm missing out. I need to check it out properly and join up. My only concern is finding the time!
Yes, I do worry about content and audiences for my blog but at the moment writing my novel takes precedence. In the future I hope to spend more time gaining followers and blogging regularly. I do keep up as often as I can though. All the best with your challenges! :)
Doing the challenge again this year but this time I am pre-posting as much as I can instead of winging it. I don't really think about what I write or the appeal it has to others. The day I start doing that I fear is the day I will be doomed. If it isn't fun, then it isn't worth my time. The A-Z challenge is fun and the friendships I meet along the way an added bonus :)
The benefits far outweigh the fears! Stoked about my third year with the Challenge and have already begun planning my posts.
I'm secure in some of my posts--others, not so much. I know I have a writing audience, but I don't like just posting about writing; there's other content I like to include and sometimes I wonder if I have enough of an audience to justify posting it.
I don't think I needed to encourage you all with my post today. Most of you aren't worrried about plunging into blog challenges and hops.
I used to worry that what I was posting wasn't "good enough" for a wide audience, but I realised that so long as a few people were interested in what I had to say then it made it all worth it.
I'm sure you'll have a great time with the A to Z! The key is to make it short and sweet, I've found. Should be an interesting month!
Thanks for posting the links, Sue. I think I might take the plunge this year. You've inspired me!
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