L: A to Z Blogging Challenge
For my 2016
A to Z Challenge, I’m sharing three facts for each letter. The genres I
write and love to read are mostly science fiction and high or epic fantasy. In
fantasy, there is often magic associated with crystals or metals. They also
used herbs both for medicine and for magical spells. Each day I will post a short
description of an herb or a mineral you might find in medieval or fantasy
writings. For the record, most of the herbal remedies I’ve investigated are not
recommended by the FDA. Many are actually poisonous and dangerous. As tribute
to my second love, I will post a scientific fact that may deal with physics,
biology or health science. And because another name for a writer is wordsmith, each
day I’ll share a strange word that I would probably never use in my writing,
but that amuse me in some way. So enjoy my trio of quick facts. And don’t
forget to visit the IWSG
site where we’ll share a writer’s resource for every day of the challenge.
Lippitude: soreness of the eyes.
Lavender as a scent has a calming effect that might help with insomnia or ease migraines. It's commonly used in candles and oils.
Laser Weapons Systems (LAWS) is really interesting. It sounds futuristic but the US Navy ship, USS Ponce, is equipped with this direct energy weapon than can cripple or destroy the motors, weapons and sensors of the enemy. It's very accurate and has been very successful in testing. Compared to conventional naval weapons, it's really cheap and involves no transport or storage like regular ammunition would. Very cool. It sounds like something in science fiction but it's here today.
Do you enjoy the scent of lavender? Have you heard of LAWS? Doesn't it sound futuristic?
"He who commands the sea has command of everything." Themistocles
LAWS is impressive. Wonder how close we are to vaporizing a target from space? (Name that movie!)
I have always liked Lavender, but I have to be careful - it irritates my nose if I don't watch it. LAWS definitely sounds futurisitc - I had no heard of it.
Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
LAWS is impressive. hopefully we never get actual laser hand guns though. Nuts everywhere would be lasering people
LAWS does sound futuristic. Definitely like something you'd find in sci-fi.
And I enjoy lavender very much. I attempted to use it as an insomnia cure...It was unsuccessful, but I still like it.
I have not heard of LAWS but it does sound fascinating. I might have to try lavender as sometimes I do have that pesky insomnia.
LAWS does sound like something sci-fi. It's always interesting to learn of those kinds of things, a reminder that the future isn't that far away. Now, if only they'd get a jump on those flying cars! ;)
~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
I hadn't heard of LAWS, but it sounds interesting! I do enjoy the scent of lavender.
Interesting "L" facts. I should get some lavender; might help me sleep better. Thanks.
Just reading the word, lavender, relaxes me!
Unfortunately the scent of lavender always reminds me of a grumpy old aunt I had. Amazing how fragrance can trigger memory--for good or ill.
Meet My Imaginary Friends
Had not heard of LAWS, but what else can it take out - satellites, space stations ?? I do like the smell of lavender if it's a little bit. It is still recommended for help sleeping by aromatherapists. Did you know that lavender seeds can repel moths just as good as if not better than moth balls?
I've gotten lippitude more than a few times. And now I know what to call it.
As someone with migraines, I wish lavender worked better than it does. Ha!
LAWS sounds scary. How to take the world down (at this point in time)... cripple our electronics. The entire world runs electronically. Scary.
Hi Susan! Interesting that I worked for eye doctors for about 8 years and have been in the medical profession (office work and transcription) for my entire working career and never heard of lippitude! As far as migrants, I get them but use mint not lavender. Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
Laser weapons sound rather frightening, as with all weapons, if in the wrong hands. Of course, everyone thinks their own hands are the right ones.
Lavender is my favorite!
Yes, though my mom doesn't. I have not. It sounds rather futuristic, yes.
Don't like the sound of Lippitude. I do love lavender, great fragrance. Fantastic about the laser weapon, who knew.
Lavender really is, to me, the smell of spring :)
re: LAWS
I was talking to hubby about this just recently. Since a lot of things can go boom on a Navy ship, the Navy has been proactive in finding weapons that require no explosives. The laser is one and the rail gun is the other.
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