What a year. It went fast. A lot of fine things happened in our family, like the birth of my granddaughter. Christmas is really exciting with a little one running about. Family will pull me away from blogging for a while. I'll post again on the first Wednesday of 2018 for IWSG day. I'll still be writing, but my time on social media will be limited.
We had the first snow that actually hung around last Saturday. Only about two inches in my neck of the woods though not far away, they received more. My sister in Picayune, MS sent me a picture of the three inches they had on Friday. They built a little 12 inch high snowman.
Those fires in California are horrific. Keeping those suffering and worried in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope you have clear weather and can step outside at night and take in the yearly celestial display from the Geminids meteor shower happening this week. I think the best time is around the 13th or 14th. Those of us living in the northern hemisphere have the best show.
Netflix isn't letting me down during the TV drought. Lots of offering from Disney on there and from the Marvel Universe. I really enjoyed The Punisher and my daughter and I are enjoying Godless though it's a really grim and dark show.
Christmas shopping is pretty much complete at my house with only a few gift cards to be picked up for stocking stuffing. And perhaps a few bottles of wine. This is also the first time since I graduated from college where I don't have any traveling to do over the holiday. More time at home, though the reason for it leaves a hole in the family.
And a wish for all my blogger friends. May you find the joy of the season and spend time with those you love. If I could share out the huge mountains of it we'll have at our house, I would send some to all of you.
Are you taking any writing breaks over the holiday season? Doing any traveling? Are you going to enjoy the meteor show? Done with the Christmas shopping?
Monday, December 11, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
IWSG: Farewell to 2017
Can it really be the last IWSG post of 2017? The year flew by. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this awesome group. Join in if you want. You can sign up here and visit lots of other participating blogs.
The optional question this month:
As you look back on 2017, with all its successes and failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?
I guess I would spend more time on my fantasy writing and less on the romance side of my career. I felt like I didn't get much writing done, but looking back, I did complete three new novels. One less than I wanted but still not too bad.
My local writers' group held our group Christmas party last Saturday. We also went to a retirement party for the mayor of the town closest to us on Friday evening. On Sunday, I made Mac-n-Cheese for the kiddies after we decorated the Christmas tree. Needless to say, I'm watching the calories this week. I'm not a person who usually gains weight over the holidays, but it was a tempting three days of goodies. Still, it was wonderful to have all the children together to decorate the tree plus the new granddaughter. It's a time when I really see how much my kids love each other as they argue over placement of ornaments.
Christmas... is not an external event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carries in one's heart.
Freya Stark
Between now and the start of the new year, I'm going to organize my projects and my promotional plans and ideas. And of course, I can't wait to break out that brand new Old Farmer's Almanac Planner. I already have things written in it. In the meantime, I need lots of coffee for rewrites and outlining for what's up next.
TV land is drying up over the holiday season as usual. The Gifted has continued to keep me interested. The Good Doctor hasn't disappointed me yet. I like a medical show where everything doesn't always work out. More realistic when the patient isn't always saved. Looks like a lot of Netflix happening at my house for the next few weeks.
Last week also was a time of giving at our county libraries. They collected foodstuffs and took donations. It was also a great time to donate to the library itself. Perhaps even to gift a book in the name of a beloved teacher.
The news is awash with all kinds of accusations about sexual misconduct by people in power. It's all sickening and not at all surprising. Will it ever stop? As parents, we need to educate our children, boys and girls, about respectful behavior. I hope I've taught my daughter to take no s**t.
We're expecting a bit of snow this coming weekend. Traffic in all the places I have to shop is already bad. PA has terrible roads and there's also still some summer roadwork that is messing things up.
The optional question this month:
As you look back on 2017, with all its successes and failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?
I guess I would spend more time on my fantasy writing and less on the romance side of my career. I felt like I didn't get much writing done, but looking back, I did complete three new novels. One less than I wanted but still not too bad.
My local writers' group held our group Christmas party last Saturday. We also went to a retirement party for the mayor of the town closest to us on Friday evening. On Sunday, I made Mac-n-Cheese for the kiddies after we decorated the Christmas tree. Needless to say, I'm watching the calories this week. I'm not a person who usually gains weight over the holidays, but it was a tempting three days of goodies. Still, it was wonderful to have all the children together to decorate the tree plus the new granddaughter. It's a time when I really see how much my kids love each other as they argue over placement of ornaments.
Christmas... is not an external event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carries in one's heart.
Freya Stark
Between now and the start of the new year, I'm going to organize my projects and my promotional plans and ideas. And of course, I can't wait to break out that brand new Old Farmer's Almanac Planner. I already have things written in it. In the meantime, I need lots of coffee for rewrites and outlining for what's up next.
TV land is drying up over the holiday season as usual. The Gifted has continued to keep me interested. The Good Doctor hasn't disappointed me yet. I like a medical show where everything doesn't always work out. More realistic when the patient isn't always saved. Looks like a lot of Netflix happening at my house for the next few weeks.
Last week also was a time of giving at our county libraries. They collected foodstuffs and took donations. It was also a great time to donate to the library itself. Perhaps even to gift a book in the name of a beloved teacher.
The news is awash with all kinds of accusations about sexual misconduct by people in power. It's all sickening and not at all surprising. Will it ever stop? As parents, we need to educate our children, boys and girls, about respectful behavior. I hope I've taught my daughter to take no s**t.
We're expecting a bit of snow this coming weekend. Traffic in all the places I have to shop is already bad. PA has terrible roads and there's also still some summer roadwork that is messing things up.
Would you change something you did in the past year in terms of your writing? Suffering from holiday TV hiatus time? What good causes do you donate to at this time of year? Did you get the LotR reference?
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Disposal by Tara Tyler
DISPOSAL has arrived!!
DISPOSAL by Tara TylerPop Travel, Book Three
Cooper and Geri are finally in a good place, but their bliss is short-lived when Cooper's rebellious nephew Jimmy moves in with them for a summer internship. He hits the town hard and thinks he's found the girl of his dreams in an fiery, exotic beauty. Against all words of warning, he pursues her and ends up getting kidnapped by her powerful Drug Lord father. Geri tracks him down, but gets herself kidnapped as well.
Now it's up to Cooper to use all his resources to save them, including the hot homicide detective Geri secretly despises, and the latest sketchy gadgets his genius friend Hasan offers him to field-test. Sure, why not? Cooper will do anything to get his family back.
About the Author:
Tara Tyler is a math teacher who writes to share her passion for reading with others. She loves dogs, coffee, and is the lazy housewife, living in a world of boys with three sons and a coach husband. Join her for an adventure!
Pop Travel & Simulation - The Cooper Chronicles
Broken Branch Falls & Cradle Rock - Beast World fantasy series
Here is the DISPOSAL blog tour schedule:
FRI, NOV 17 - Tyrean Martinson - 5 Things that will get you published!
MON, NOV 20 - Christine Rains - The Lazy Housewife talks Garage Goals
THU, NOV 23 - Juneta Key - I'm Thankful for where I am
MON, NOV 27 - Patricia Lynne -
THU, NOV 30 - Diane Burton - The Lazy Housewife talks Bathroom Blues
WED, DEC 6 - MJ Fifield - Special IWSG: Will anyone like me? Will anyone care?
FRI, DEC 8 - Elizabeth Seckman - The Journey of the Really Real Housewives
MON, DEC 11 - C. Lee McKenzie -
Monday, November 20, 2017
Give Thanks
It's that time of year to give thanks for all my blessings. So, so many. Family, friends, warm home, great food, health and safety, and living in a country where those things are possible. The Gourley house will be filled to the limit with fun, laughter, and way too much food, all prepared by moi.
But it's not the way for everyone in our country. It's the time of year to give generously to food banks and other organizations who help make sure everyone can have a Thanksgiving meal. There will also be football on the TV for most of the day. Its the first time in many years that all my children will be home and off work for the entire day.
I haven't watched the entire The Punisher series on Netflix yet as I write this, but I like it so far. Frank Castle is more interesting that at first glance. And it's not all shoot-em-up stuff going on. And I'm glad to see season 2 of Frontier is coming to Netflix later this month. Finally saw Thor, and it didn't disappoint. It will definitely be in my video library once it's available.
Speaking of video library, I no longer buy blu-ray or DVD style media. Any movie I decide to purchase I get through Amazon video. Nothing to store and I can watch it on my Kindle, with my Fire stick, or on my computer.
I don't like to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but I have completed some Christmas shopping early. Just little things to bring a smile. It's really difficult to find those things when the kiddies are actually adults.
On Wednesday, I will feature Tara Tyler and all you need to know about her newest release, Disposal. I hope you'll stop in and check out her newest. The next time I will post will be on the first Wednesday of December for IWSG.
Are you having Thanksgiving at your house or traveling somewhere else? Did you watch the Punisher? Have you watched Frontier? Do any Christmas shopping yet? Do you still buy blu-ray or DVDs?
But it's not the way for everyone in our country. It's the time of year to give generously to food banks and other organizations who help make sure everyone can have a Thanksgiving meal. There will also be football on the TV for most of the day. Its the first time in many years that all my children will be home and off work for the entire day.
I haven't watched the entire The Punisher series on Netflix yet as I write this, but I like it so far. Frank Castle is more interesting that at first glance. And it's not all shoot-em-up stuff going on. And I'm glad to see season 2 of Frontier is coming to Netflix later this month. Finally saw Thor, and it didn't disappoint. It will definitely be in my video library once it's available.
Speaking of video library, I no longer buy blu-ray or DVD style media. Any movie I decide to purchase I get through Amazon video. Nothing to store and I can watch it on my Kindle, with my Fire stick, or on my computer.
I don't like to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but I have completed some Christmas shopping early. Just little things to bring a smile. It's really difficult to find those things when the kiddies are actually adults.
On Wednesday, I will feature Tara Tyler and all you need to know about her newest release, Disposal. I hope you'll stop in and check out her newest. The next time I will post will be on the first Wednesday of December for IWSG.
Are you having Thanksgiving at your house or traveling somewhere else? Did you watch the Punisher? Have you watched Frontier? Do any Christmas shopping yet? Do you still buy blu-ray or DVDs?
Monday, November 13, 2017
Older But Content
So yesterday was my birthday and it was wonderful with the entire family here. It was so much fun and in the middle of the chaos, I realized how content and happy I am. Thirty or forty (yes, I'm old) years ago, I might not have imagined where I would be today with a large family, a huge house, and a writing career. I wasn't even considering being a writer until after my daughter was born 23 years ago. But here I am, and it's great. The industry is a tough nut to crack and once you are published, it's even more difficult to keep on going. Low pay, hard work, and long hours add up to a sense of personal accomplishment. I hope I never get too old to give up the constant learning that my writing career demands.
Of course, my dear family gave me all the things I love as gifts beyond their presence. Wine, a GoT wine glass, book gift cards, Yankee candles, and did I say wine. They're the best.
In the industry, my friends and I have discussed what it means to be a bestseller. There are so many lists. Do they mean anything anymore? Do readers care if a book is labeled a bestseller? How the heck does Amazon even come up with their numbers? Do the lists include eBooks? This PW article talks about all these things. All writers want to publish a 'bestseller' but does it mean anything in today's market?
As a writing of romance, I, like most of my colleagues, find myself often defending the genre. Yet, romance makes up 34% of the book market. It's important. So many people have the idea it's not on the same level of writing as other genres. Worse, because most of the readers are women, it's deemed not intelligent or not good stories. The attitude is so ridiculous when the genre is so successful. Many studies have shown the average romance reader is a college-educated female. There's nothing wrong with reading a book with a happy ending compared to reading a book full of the suffering and terrible things that are on the news everyday or perhaps in a person's own life.
On the good side, Supernatural has been great this season so far. Poldark has been satisfyingly dramatic. The Punisher is coming to Netflix on Friday. My once favorite show, Once Upon a Time, is okay this season. I always like seeing how they put new spins on old fairy tales. It gives me creative ideas.
I'm planning for Thanksgiving dinner and starting to gather the 'fixings' as the entire feast is at my house each year. The kids want everything to be exactly like the previous years, but I try at least one new thing each year.
That WIP that I wanted to have done in October? I'm hoping by the end of November now. Sigh.....
Have you ever had a bestseller? Does bestseller 'status' influence you to buy a book? Enjoying Supernatural or looking forward to The Punisher?
Of course, my dear family gave me all the things I love as gifts beyond their presence. Wine, a GoT wine glass, book gift cards, Yankee candles, and did I say wine. They're the best.
In the industry, my friends and I have discussed what it means to be a bestseller. There are so many lists. Do they mean anything anymore? Do readers care if a book is labeled a bestseller? How the heck does Amazon even come up with their numbers? Do the lists include eBooks? This PW article talks about all these things. All writers want to publish a 'bestseller' but does it mean anything in today's market?
As a writing of romance, I, like most of my colleagues, find myself often defending the genre. Yet, romance makes up 34% of the book market. It's important. So many people have the idea it's not on the same level of writing as other genres. Worse, because most of the readers are women, it's deemed not intelligent or not good stories. The attitude is so ridiculous when the genre is so successful. Many studies have shown the average romance reader is a college-educated female. There's nothing wrong with reading a book with a happy ending compared to reading a book full of the suffering and terrible things that are on the news everyday or perhaps in a person's own life.
On the good side, Supernatural has been great this season so far. Poldark has been satisfyingly dramatic. The Punisher is coming to Netflix on Friday. My once favorite show, Once Upon a Time, is okay this season. I always like seeing how they put new spins on old fairy tales. It gives me creative ideas.
I'm planning for Thanksgiving dinner and starting to gather the 'fixings' as the entire feast is at my house each year. The kids want everything to be exactly like the previous years, but I try at least one new thing each year.
That WIP that I wanted to have done in October? I'm hoping by the end of November now. Sigh.....
Have you ever had a bestseller? Does bestseller 'status' influence you to buy a book? Enjoying Supernatural or looking forward to The Punisher?
Monday, November 6, 2017
Getting Stuff Done
I'm excited to have finished up the final edits for my second book in my Survivors of the Apocalypse Series, Horse Tamer's Fiery Lady. This will be my 22nd published book, not counting the ones that
are no longer published because the publisher closed. I'm not sure of my release date yet, but I'm pretty pumped up about it.
If you in the mood to do something about your author newsletter, like maybe start it, one of my writers' groups, Pennwriters, is running a class that starts today about Getting Results from Your Author Newsletter by Jessie Clever. It's open to all.
It's amazing how fast this year is going. My days are so busy, but I'm getting stuff done. I'm rearranged my living room nearly every weekend as I try to 'Elliana-ize' it. My granddaughter keeps finding her way into things I don't want her in. On the flip side, I keep having to clean behind and under things I usually only move about twice per year.
I'm also falling back into the old habit of doing a lot of my writing at night like I did when I was teaching full time. It's working for me. Now that Daylight Savings Time has ended, the dark drives me to my writing office. I am dreading seeing snow outside my window. Not too soon, I hope.
"Inspiration exists, but it must find you working." Pablo Picasso
Because I had to do editing this weekend, I didn't get to see Thor, but I play to by the end of the week. Still enjoying Poldark and The Good Doctor. The Gifted is keeping me interested. I heard a rumor over the weekend that Amazon might be working on putting together a LoTR series like a TV show. I'd give it a try though I don't see how they could top the movies.
Hope you go out to vote tomorrow if you're in the USA. Not much for us to vote for here except Township Supervisors and a judge. I'm voting for the supervisor most likely to make sure the road in front of my house gets plowed sooner than twelve hours after it stops snowing. I have simple needs.
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein
Do you have any clue what Albert meant by that statement? Does the long dark days of winter inspire you to write or impede you? Do you see Thor? Hear about that LoTR rumor?
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
IWSG November17 Edition
Can't be the first Wednesday again already! Yes, it's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. This wonderful group was started by everyone's favorite ninja, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You can sign up and be part of it on this list.
This week's optional question is about NaNo. Since I've never participated in NaNo, I didn't go with the question this month.
My insecurity this month is about another punch in the purse that Amazon is slugging us with. Recently Amazon removed rankings from thousands of books, accusing those authors of gaming the system somehow. Most of the authors are innocent, including moi. Anne R. Allen wrote a great post about it here. Here's another by David Gaughran. The only thing my publisher did differently was put some of my books together in a boxed set. The set was selling really well and maintaining a good ranking. Suddenly rankings for all my books disappeared.
Amazon will not respond to any questions or protests except with an automated response. Not having a ranking makes it almost impossible for anyone to find your book unless they're looking for it specifically. Once again, Amazon has made a sweeping attempt to clean up the cheaters like it did when it purged reviews a while back, but like then, they throw innocent authors under the bus. It's very discouraging to be so helpless against this retail giant we love as a consumer and hate as writers.
It's tough to sit down and write each day with that black cloud hanging over my book sales. And since I'm not one to check my rankings everyday, I have no idea when those rankings disappeared.
Onto better things. Like wasn't Stranger Things, Season 2, good. It was really fun. Rest in peace, Barb, finally. Saying nothing more so I don't spoil if you haven't watched yet. A new show I'm finding okay so far this season is The Gifted which is in the X-Men universe. I don't set my clock by it, but I like it so far. The Good Doctor is a tearjerker every week. I don't know if it can keep that up but I'm still tuning in. Looking forward to the new Thor movie.
A new library story time is starting for my granddaughter today so I'll get to read your posts later today and tomorrow. The fun never ends.
Do you know any writers slapped by Amazon this time or the last time? Are you participating in NaNo? Did you watch Stranger Things 2?
This week's optional question is about NaNo. Since I've never participated in NaNo, I didn't go with the question this month.
My insecurity this month is about another punch in the purse that Amazon is slugging us with. Recently Amazon removed rankings from thousands of books, accusing those authors of gaming the system somehow. Most of the authors are innocent, including moi. Anne R. Allen wrote a great post about it here. Here's another by David Gaughran. The only thing my publisher did differently was put some of my books together in a boxed set. The set was selling really well and maintaining a good ranking. Suddenly rankings for all my books disappeared.
Amazon will not respond to any questions or protests except with an automated response. Not having a ranking makes it almost impossible for anyone to find your book unless they're looking for it specifically. Once again, Amazon has made a sweeping attempt to clean up the cheaters like it did when it purged reviews a while back, but like then, they throw innocent authors under the bus. It's very discouraging to be so helpless against this retail giant we love as a consumer and hate as writers.
It's tough to sit down and write each day with that black cloud hanging over my book sales. And since I'm not one to check my rankings everyday, I have no idea when those rankings disappeared.
Onto better things. Like wasn't Stranger Things, Season 2, good. It was really fun. Rest in peace, Barb, finally. Saying nothing more so I don't spoil if you haven't watched yet. A new show I'm finding okay so far this season is The Gifted which is in the X-Men universe. I don't set my clock by it, but I like it so far. The Good Doctor is a tearjerker every week. I don't know if it can keep that up but I'm still tuning in. Looking forward to the new Thor movie.
A new library story time is starting for my granddaughter today so I'll get to read your posts later today and tomorrow. The fun never ends.
Do you know any writers slapped by Amazon this time or the last time? Are you participating in NaNo? Did you watch Stranger Things 2?
Monday, October 23, 2017
Nearly Missed It
I'm going to get my Monday post up with three hours to spare. I have no excuses for not having it up earlier today. Tired? Lazy? Busy? Probably all three.
Being late does allow me to link to the IWSG post today. Bestselling author Mary Buckman talks about websites, hooks, and plotting. Lots of good advice from an expert.
The book event I attended on Saturday was fun and I made contact with many of my writer friends I hadn't seen for a while. You'll be meeting some of them as guests on my blog in the next few months. As for the book sales, blah. There was very little patron traffic except for family and friends. I only sold three books which probably paid for my gas and the snack I bought on the way home.
The leaves are turning and beautiful as they float to the ground. I'm enjoying the mild weather and the cool nights. It's the best of fall right now. Seeing lots of butterflies. They are very beautiful for cannibals.
"October, the extravagant sister, has ordered the most gorgeous forest tapestry for her grand reception." Autumn by Oliver Wendell Holmes
50/50 going slow but steady. I hope to finish the book I'm working on and move onto my next project by the start of December. Big plans.
I won't be posting next Monday but on Wednesday instead for IWSG. In the meantime, I'll be writing. When I'm not I'm re-watching Stranger Things. I'm sure lots of you will be tuning in next weekend for season 2. Can't wait. Can it possibly be as good as the first season? Lots of pressure on those writers.
Are you looking forward to Stranger Things? Do you love fall? Did you know those cute little butterflies were cannibals? Ready for some scary Halloween fun this coming weekend?
Being late does allow me to link to the IWSG post today. Bestselling author Mary Buckman talks about websites, hooks, and plotting. Lots of good advice from an expert.
The book event I attended on Saturday was fun and I made contact with many of my writer friends I hadn't seen for a while. You'll be meeting some of them as guests on my blog in the next few months. As for the book sales, blah. There was very little patron traffic except for family and friends. I only sold three books which probably paid for my gas and the snack I bought on the way home.
The leaves are turning and beautiful as they float to the ground. I'm enjoying the mild weather and the cool nights. It's the best of fall right now. Seeing lots of butterflies. They are very beautiful for cannibals.
"October, the extravagant sister, has ordered the most gorgeous forest tapestry for her grand reception." Autumn by Oliver Wendell Holmes
50/50 going slow but steady. I hope to finish the book I'm working on and move onto my next project by the start of December. Big plans.
I won't be posting next Monday but on Wednesday instead for IWSG. In the meantime, I'll be writing. When I'm not I'm re-watching Stranger Things. I'm sure lots of you will be tuning in next weekend for season 2. Can't wait. Can it possibly be as good as the first season? Lots of pressure on those writers.
Are you looking forward to Stranger Things? Do you love fall? Did you know those cute little butterflies were cannibals? Ready for some scary Halloween fun this coming weekend?
Monday, October 16, 2017
Upcoming Book Event
I know most of my blogger friends don't leave in Pennsylvania or Maryland, but if you are nearby, I hope you'll support the York Book Expo Event held at the Wisehaver Event Center in York, PA this coming Saturday. This is the third annual event featuring local authors and run by Demi Stevens who has been a guest on IWSG where she posted about organizing such a book event.
I'm excited to see some of my writer friends I haven't seen for a while and meet the hundreds of readers and book lovers who attend this every year. Last year I had the pleasure of speaking with a young couple who had returned just to see me again and purchase more books. It's great fun and if I sell some books (or a lot of books) it's even more fun.
Tomorrow I'm signing my granddaughter up for the next session of 'Born to Read.' Hard to believe how quickly the first session is going. My granddaughter has lost all her hesitation and last week plopped her butt right in front of the instructor and listened to her reading a story. She probably wanted to chew the book like she does the ones she has at home.
And in answer to all the emails I'm getting, Yes, Panera, I am enjoying my free month of bagels. I don't go everyday but I've been in three times this month and received my free bagel. I also purchased the special ribbon-shaped bagel they're selling to support breast cancer research. Also impressed the other day when the person taking orders told the soldier standing in line behind me that his meal was on the house to thank him for his service. No flash, no TV coverage, just a business doing a good thing. Good on you, Panera, and thank you for the free bagels.
50/50 writing challenge is going okay though I'm not off to the running start I was the last time we did it in the spring. After I get this booksigning out of the way, I'll have no other big events to take up my weekends for a while.
Yearly checkup today so I'll get to your blogs later today and find out how your fall is going. Wonder what those free bagels are doing to my numbers on the scale? Guess the doc will let me know. Ouch.
Are than book events in your area? Ever attended or been part of one? Are you a Panera fan? My daughter loves their soups.
I'm excited to see some of my writer friends I haven't seen for a while and meet the hundreds of readers and book lovers who attend this every year. Last year I had the pleasure of speaking with a young couple who had returned just to see me again and purchase more books. It's great fun and if I sell some books (or a lot of books) it's even more fun.
Tomorrow I'm signing my granddaughter up for the next session of 'Born to Read.' Hard to believe how quickly the first session is going. My granddaughter has lost all her hesitation and last week plopped her butt right in front of the instructor and listened to her reading a story. She probably wanted to chew the book like she does the ones she has at home.
And in answer to all the emails I'm getting, Yes, Panera, I am enjoying my free month of bagels. I don't go everyday but I've been in three times this month and received my free bagel. I also purchased the special ribbon-shaped bagel they're selling to support breast cancer research. Also impressed the other day when the person taking orders told the soldier standing in line behind me that his meal was on the house to thank him for his service. No flash, no TV coverage, just a business doing a good thing. Good on you, Panera, and thank you for the free bagels.
50/50 writing challenge is going okay though I'm not off to the running start I was the last time we did it in the spring. After I get this booksigning out of the way, I'll have no other big events to take up my weekends for a while.
Yearly checkup today so I'll get to your blogs later today and find out how your fall is going. Wonder what those free bagels are doing to my numbers on the scale? Guess the doc will let me know. Ouch.
Are than book events in your area? Ever attended or been part of one? Are you a Panera fan? My daughter loves their soups.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Big Plans and an Anthology for Charity
I hope you'll take a look at the upcoming box release from my friend, Michelle Howard. Michelle is a very successful author of all types of exciting romantic adventures. And this set is not only a good bargain, but part of the proceeds go to a good cause.
Embrace the Romance: Pets in
Space 2 Anthology
Release Date: October 10, 2017
The pets are back! Embrace the
Romance: Pets in Space 2, featuring twelve of today’s leading Science Fiction Romance
authors brings you a dozen original stories written just for you! Join in the
fun, from the Dragon Lords of Valdier to a trip aboard award-winning author,
Veronica Scott’s Nebula Zephyr to journeying back to Luda where Grim is King,
for stories that will take you out of this world! Join New York Times, USA
TODAY, and Award-winning authors S.E. Smith, M.K. Eidem, Susan Grant, Michelle
Howard, Cara Bristol, Veronica Scott, Pauline Baird Jones, Laurie A. Green,
Sabine Priestley, Jessica E. Subject, Carol Van Natta, and Alexis Glynn Latner
as they share stories and help out Hero-Dogs.org, a charity that supports our
10% of the first month’s profits go to
Hero-Dogs.org. Hero Dogs raises and
trains service dogs and places them free of charge with US Veterans to improve
quality of life and restore independence.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://buff.ly/2xa41Kb | BN: https://buff.ly/2xabZTy | Kobo: https://buff.ly/2x9CMzc | iBooks: https://buff.ly/2xajI3R
On Thursday of this week, my local chapter of CPRW is starting the second of our writing motivation 50/50 projects. The idea is to write at least 50 new words for fifty straight days. Of course, most people write many more than that. Just making yourself sit down at the document and typing a few sentences almost always leads to writing more. We time this second 50/50 to overlap with NaNo for those members who are diving into that craziness. Wish me luck.
Please hope over the Insecure Writers' Support Group. They've been having some terrific guest posts and have another one up today.
If Columbus had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock. ~Arthur Goldberg
Hope you had work off for Columbus Day. If it's not raining, I'll be mowing and raking leaves. And Happy Thanksgiving Day to my Canadian friends. Hope you enjoy a feast today.
Poldark was good last week and a two hour premier special. My daughter and I have watched The Good Doctor together. Interesting so far. Hope the writers can keep it up. Inhumans isn't really catching my interest but I'll give it a few more episodes. Supernatural is back this week. About time.
Are you taking part in NaNo or have you ever? Did you get a long weekend for whichever holiday? Are you a fan of any of those shows I mentioned? Raking leaves yet? Need a good boxed set to read on a cool fall night?
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
IWSG: October Already
It's time for the monthly bloghop started by the awesome Alex J. Cavanaugh. Insecure Writer's Support Group posts on the first Wednesday of every month and we share our fears, successes as well as asking for and giving advice. Hope you'll join us by signing up here and visiting more members.
This month's co-hosts are Chemist Ken, Tamara Narayan, Olga Godim, and Jennifer Hawes. Thanks to them for volunteering to help.
IWSG is running a contest where you post of a picture of your IWSG swag. Alas, I didn't take any pictures despite having some pretty great swag hanging about my writing space. I will enjoy checking out all the pictures.
The optional question for this month: Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your character either by accident of on purpose?
No, I haven't. Something that does often appear in my novels are siblings with special, supportive relationships. Not only do I have 6 siblings that are wonderful, but I have six children who love each other. I love brothers and sisters working together in books I read and on TV shows I watch. It's one of my favorite things.
“A brother is a friend given by Nature.” – Jean Baptiste Legouve
“Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell
This month's co-hosts are Chemist Ken, Tamara Narayan, Olga Godim, and Jennifer Hawes. Thanks to them for volunteering to help.
IWSG is running a contest where you post of a picture of your IWSG swag. Alas, I didn't take any pictures despite having some pretty great swag hanging about my writing space. I will enjoy checking out all the pictures.
The optional question for this month: Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your character either by accident of on purpose?
No, I haven't. Something that does often appear in my novels are siblings with special, supportive relationships. Not only do I have 6 siblings that are wonderful, but I have six children who love each other. I love brothers and sisters working together in books I read and on TV shows I watch. It's one of my favorite things.
“A brother is a friend given by Nature.” – Jean Baptiste Legouve
“Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell
Making some progress on my WIP though slower than I want. I'm determined to finish it soon so I can start on my next project. More on that later.
On the entertainment front, I forgot all about Poldark coming back on this past Sunday. I really enjoy the show now going into its third season. Lots of drama, history and romance. It doesn't ignore the plight of the poor like some period pieces do.
My granddaughter continues to amaze. She turns seven months old today and is already walking around things and behind push toys. And at the weekly library group, she is the only one who will sit quietly and listen and watch the leader reading a story. The other kids distract her at times, but she turns her attention back to the reading. It's great fun to be with her doing things that I didn't get to do as a mother to my own children because I was working full time.
Did you show off some swag today? Do parts of you show up in your writing? Have any siblings you adore? Are you a Poldark fan?
Monday, September 25, 2017
Nick Wilford, Black and White
Susan. Thanks for offering to host me as part of my tour. Today I’d like to
share some thoughts about the world I’ve created and engage your readers in a
debate, if that’s not too heavy for a
likely is it that we will end up living in a society like
On the
surface, this is a utopia, the opposite of a dystopia. But that’s it – the
surface is just about as far as things go. It’s the very definition of an
insular society, cut off and without any contact with the outside world. Indeed,
its near neighbour is painted by the government as a netherworld-type region
populated by demons. In the current world, large swathes seem to be going
backwards and becoming more distrustful of other cultures instead of more open.
What if someone came along who promised to close the doors completely – the
ultimate expression of looking after number
are other ways in which Harmonia might be seen as an extension of the society
we’ve got today. With the all-consuming rise of social media, families seem to
spend less time just being together and we’ve got the problem of phones at the
dinner table. In Harmonia, only one child is allowed per family and each member
of the group basically operates as a self-contained unit. It’s a cold society
in which people simply go through the motions. Apparently fair on the surface,
with passes in school exams being guaranteed, the type of job you get after
leaving school is determined by how many extra study hours you log. This is
another thing that leaves children to spend long hours on their
rates are very low, but at the same time there is very little affection between
married couples. They are simply units that ensure the propagation of the
species. The sex act itself has been genetically phased out – far too messy and
too many diseases at play – but of course, this removes a level of
Where do
you think we’re heading as a society? Is a world like Harmonia something that
you could foresee in our
Title: Black &
Author: Nick
Genre: YA dystopian
#: 1 of 3
Release date: 18th September
Publisher: Superstar Peanut
What is the price paid for the creation of a perfect
In Whitopolis, a gleamingly white city of the future where illness has been eradicated, shock waves run through the populace when a bedraggled, dirt-stricken boy materialises in the main street. Led by government propaganda, most citizens shun him as a demon, except for Wellesbury Noon – a high school student the same age as the boy.
Upon befriending the boy, Wellesbury feels a connection that he can’t explain – as well as discovering that his new friend comes from a land that is stricken by disease and only has two weeks to live. Why do he and a girl named Ezmerelda Dontible appear to be the only ones who want to help?
As they dig deeper, everything they know is turned on its head – and a race to save one boy becomes a struggle to redeem humanity.
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Noble / Kobo / iBooks
Add it on Goodreads
Nick Wilford is a
writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those early
morning times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a
little freelance editing and formatting thrown in. When not working he can
usually be found spending time with his family or cleaning something. He has
four short stories published in Writer’s Muse magazine. Nick is also the editor
of Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew. Visit him at
his blog or connect
with him on Twitter, Goodreads, Facebook,
or Amazon.
Enter the giveaway for a chance to
win a copy of my collection A Change of Mind and Other Stories or a $10
Monday, September 18, 2017
Help Out
RWA shared some links last week where you can go and help out the libraries that were victims of the recent hurricanes. Funding libraries is likely not the first thing people or the government will think of as they rebuilt and recover. Yet, I think a lot of people may depend on the library for internet access until they get their homes up and running again. People need help first, but if you love your local library as I do, maybe you can spare them a dime also. Here is the link for the Texas libraries. And you can go here to help the Florida libraries.
While you're in the helping mood, C. Lee McKenzie could use your help voting for her book in the Go here and give the book a boost.
Readers Choice Contest. Her MG novel, Double Negative, could use your vote.
Next Monday, I'm turning my blog over to Nick Wilford next Monday. He'll talk about his book that is being released today. Black and White is the first in a dystopian series. One of my favorite genres of speculative fiction.
I have lots of good books on my shelf and on my Kindle to read, after adding Nick's today, and that's a good thing. Because TV sucks right now. I'll probably watch Scorpion when the new season starts and Once Upon a Time, but I'm not that excited about them. Supernatural had a great season ending in May, so I'll have to give that a try. But I don't even know the dates they return. Blah.
I need to pick up my word count on my current WIP. Only wrote around 2K this week. I'm only halfway through and I'd hoped to have it done this month. Not looking good at all.
I'm taking my daughter to her first story time at the library this week. It's for 0-18 months old. She's not a fan of noisy places or loud things so we'll see how it goes. How do you keep a lot of infants interested in a story? We'll see.
The leaves are turning though it's pretty warm this week. Fall is upon us this Friday. I'll have to teach that granddaughter to rake leaves.
Have you donated to the victims of the recent hurricanes? Do you love your local library? Is dystopian a genre you enjoy? Do you enjoy fall and raking leaves?

Readers Choice Contest. Her MG novel, Double Negative, could use your vote.
Next Monday, I'm turning my blog over to Nick Wilford next Monday. He'll talk about his book that is being released today. Black and White is the first in a dystopian series. One of my favorite genres of speculative fiction.
I have lots of good books on my shelf and on my Kindle to read, after adding Nick's today, and that's a good thing. Because TV sucks right now. I'll probably watch Scorpion when the new season starts and Once Upon a Time, but I'm not that excited about them. Supernatural had a great season ending in May, so I'll have to give that a try. But I don't even know the dates they return. Blah.
I need to pick up my word count on my current WIP. Only wrote around 2K this week. I'm only halfway through and I'd hoped to have it done this month. Not looking good at all.
I'm taking my daughter to her first story time at the library this week. It's for 0-18 months old. She's not a fan of noisy places or loud things so we'll see how it goes. How do you keep a lot of infants interested in a story? We'll see.
The leaves are turning though it's pretty warm this week. Fall is upon us this Friday. I'll have to teach that granddaughter to rake leaves.
Have you donated to the victims of the recent hurricanes? Do you love your local library? Is dystopian a genre you enjoy? Do you enjoy fall and raking leaves?
Monday, September 11, 2017
What Weekend?
Life is busy enough without getting sick for two days. The worst cold ever took me out of action from Friday evening through Saturday. All those big plans to get some outside work done and some promotional work went the way of a full box of tissues. Sinus headache, chills, well you get the picture. I haven't had a cold like that since I retired from teaching. Teachers have the luck to catch everything going around when their students give it to them. Stay home when you're sick, please.
Another 9/11 has rolled around. Even after 16 years, the day remains vivid in my memory. The week following was very tense in our little piece of the country. Three Mile Island, infamous nuclear plant, is in my home school district. There were dozens of false alarms from perceived threats. I woke a few nights to jets screaming over the house on their way from Fort Indiantown Gap to provide security coverage at the power plant. It was truly the international incident of my lifetime. Let's hope our politicians don't draw us into something worse that that horrible day.
Came across this interesting article at Publisher's Weekly. Amazon is making an attempt to stop those cheaters using KDP and stealing money from authors and readers with their practices. I'm sure those being sued by Amazon are only a few of the many jerks conning the system, but it's a start.
Prayers to those suffering all kinds of hardships and losses because of Harvey and Irma. I have a niece in Florida. I'm waiting to hear how she and her home are doing.
I feel the need to talk about something fun. Cleaned up my flowerbeds a little bit for fall. Can't believe I'll be raking leaves soon. My granddaughter turned six months and has been sitting up and crawling for a full month and last week decided she could stand up too when the right opportunity presents itself. Obviously, a superior genetic background. And our weather has been lovely. Warm but not humid during the day and cool nights.
This past weekend was big for the Penn State football fans at our house. Two of my sons earned their degrees there, and I received my Masters from PSU. The school really is a good academic school and has lots of outstanding athletic programs. It's too bad it's reputation has been darkened by the Sandusky scandal. Those poor children who suffered are still suffering as adults because so many resent the black mark on Joe Paterno's legacy. Priorities are messed up for some people.
Can't say how much I miss having a new GoT episode the last two Sundays. Salvation has gotten better and better each week. I hope it gets renewed for next year. I'm thinking of doing a re-watch of Luther, a BBC cop show, which means it's more cerebral with less shooting to solve crimes. It's good if you're looking for something to watch. It's on Netflix.
Are the hurricanes impacting your part of the world? Do you remember vivid details of 9/11? Have you put your books on KDP? Have your earnings taken a hit like so many authors complain because of the cheaters? Do you watch any BBC shows?
Another 9/11 has rolled around. Even after 16 years, the day remains vivid in my memory. The week following was very tense in our little piece of the country. Three Mile Island, infamous nuclear plant, is in my home school district. There were dozens of false alarms from perceived threats. I woke a few nights to jets screaming over the house on their way from Fort Indiantown Gap to provide security coverage at the power plant. It was truly the international incident of my lifetime. Let's hope our politicians don't draw us into something worse that that horrible day.
Came across this interesting article at Publisher's Weekly. Amazon is making an attempt to stop those cheaters using KDP and stealing money from authors and readers with their practices. I'm sure those being sued by Amazon are only a few of the many jerks conning the system, but it's a start.
Prayers to those suffering all kinds of hardships and losses because of Harvey and Irma. I have a niece in Florida. I'm waiting to hear how she and her home are doing.
I feel the need to talk about something fun. Cleaned up my flowerbeds a little bit for fall. Can't believe I'll be raking leaves soon. My granddaughter turned six months and has been sitting up and crawling for a full month and last week decided she could stand up too when the right opportunity presents itself. Obviously, a superior genetic background. And our weather has been lovely. Warm but not humid during the day and cool nights.
This past weekend was big for the Penn State football fans at our house. Two of my sons earned their degrees there, and I received my Masters from PSU. The school really is a good academic school and has lots of outstanding athletic programs. It's too bad it's reputation has been darkened by the Sandusky scandal. Those poor children who suffered are still suffering as adults because so many resent the black mark on Joe Paterno's legacy. Priorities are messed up for some people.
Can't say how much I miss having a new GoT episode the last two Sundays. Salvation has gotten better and better each week. I hope it gets renewed for next year. I'm thinking of doing a re-watch of Luther, a BBC cop show, which means it's more cerebral with less shooting to solve crimes. It's good if you're looking for something to watch. It's on Netflix.
Are the hurricanes impacting your part of the world? Do you remember vivid details of 9/11? Have you put your books on KDP? Have your earnings taken a hit like so many authors complain because of the cheaters? Do you watch any BBC shows?
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
IWSG: September Already
Summer flew by and not it's the first Wednesday of the month and time for Insecure Writer's Support Group. This amazing group was started by Alex J. Cavanaugh for writers to help each with advice, sharing good news and bad, but mostly for helping each other even if just to listen. You can find the complete list here.
I'm skipping the suggested question today to share my Labor Day experience. I've heard this suggest by other writers but never tried it completely. So on Monday, I unplugged. No checking email, no Twitter, no writing or even thinking about it. I read for hours. Took a walk. Did some cooking. Watched some TV with my husband and sons. Drank coffee all day long. I didn't even go in my writing office. And I woke up Tuesday refreshed and ready to dive back in. I highly recommend it. So my IWSG post is to suggest everyone try it for at least a day. Next month, I'm going to do if for an entire weekend. For me.
Random going on stuff
New computer is working pretty good. I'm still not use to the keyboard but I'm getting better. My house is really clean because I have to keep it so for my granddaughter who is crawling around like a new puppy and chewing on everything like one too. One of my sons quit his job with AT&T and I'm glad. They are not good to their employees. He starts his new job next Monday and is supplementing his income by being an Uber driving. Lots of good story material there.
I'm seeing lots of TV ads for new fall TV shows and nothing is rousing my curiosity. There's not even any show I'm really looking forward to returning. Sad. Killjoys ended on an intriguing note and I like that we know it has two more seasons to go. Looking forward the Salvation tonight.
Have you ever unplugged completely? Ever ride with Uber? Are you looking forward to any new fall TV.
I'm skipping the suggested question today to share my Labor Day experience. I've heard this suggest by other writers but never tried it completely. So on Monday, I unplugged. No checking email, no Twitter, no writing or even thinking about it. I read for hours. Took a walk. Did some cooking. Watched some TV with my husband and sons. Drank coffee all day long. I didn't even go in my writing office. And I woke up Tuesday refreshed and ready to dive back in. I highly recommend it. So my IWSG post is to suggest everyone try it for at least a day. Next month, I'm going to do if for an entire weekend. For me.
Random going on stuff
New computer is working pretty good. I'm still not use to the keyboard but I'm getting better. My house is really clean because I have to keep it so for my granddaughter who is crawling around like a new puppy and chewing on everything like one too. One of my sons quit his job with AT&T and I'm glad. They are not good to their employees. He starts his new job next Monday and is supplementing his income by being an Uber driving. Lots of good story material there.
I'm seeing lots of TV ads for new fall TV shows and nothing is rousing my curiosity. There's not even any show I'm really looking forward to returning. Sad. Killjoys ended on an intriguing note and I like that we know it has two more seasons to go. Looking forward the Salvation tonight.
Have you ever unplugged completely? Ever ride with Uber? Are you looking forward to any new fall TV.
Monday, August 28, 2017
The Old is New Again
So, I got my new computer and finally set it all up. I'm still getting used the keyboard and I hate the different style of mouse thingy. I'll get used to it. It's worth it to have a battery that lasts forever (in comparison) and no interruptions in internet from a wonky something or other. Yes, I'm a computer expert and know all the terms. The switch over gave me an opportunity to clear some things off my computer. Why did I have all those things sitting around on my desktop?
Hope you all got to see the eclipse last week. With your safety glasses, of course. It was really cool though I would put it in the same category of cool as Aurora borealis. I've only seen those once and it was unforgettable.
Without even a chance to get over the Game of Thrones finale, I have a dentist appointment this morning. So, I'll be getting around to blogs later today to return visits. I stop in on many blogs who have excellent content about writing, new releases, recipes, and sometimes are just amusing. I want to share them on Twitter or Facebook, but there are no share buttons to make it easy. If you have a blog, I hope you'll make sure you have that simple add-on so your visitors can spread the word of your existence.
Watching my daughter full time has put me back on the writing schedule I used while I was still teaching. And I like it. I'm doing my writing at night again after having the entire day for my mind to figure out the next scene. I'm feeling younger and more efficient again and not only because I'm chasing an infant around who has learned to crawl before she's even 6 months old.
Also helping my writing is the complete lack of interesting TV. Thrones is over for the season and my other summer fun, Salvation, is almost done. I think the next thing I'm looking forward to is the second season of Stranger Things. The Defenders on Netflix was okay even though I'm not a fan of Iron Fist, the series or the actor. I am looking forward to The Punisher later this year.
I will not be posting next Monday on Labor Day. We'll probably be doing the family cookout and games thing.
Are you making plans for Labor Day weekend? See the eclipse? Did you watch The Defenders? Do you have share buttons on your blog?
Hope you all got to see the eclipse last week. With your safety glasses, of course. It was really cool though I would put it in the same category of cool as Aurora borealis. I've only seen those once and it was unforgettable.
Without even a chance to get over the Game of Thrones finale, I have a dentist appointment this morning. So, I'll be getting around to blogs later today to return visits. I stop in on many blogs who have excellent content about writing, new releases, recipes, and sometimes are just amusing. I want to share them on Twitter or Facebook, but there are no share buttons to make it easy. If you have a blog, I hope you'll make sure you have that simple add-on so your visitors can spread the word of your existence.
Watching my daughter full time has put me back on the writing schedule I used while I was still teaching. And I like it. I'm doing my writing at night again after having the entire day for my mind to figure out the next scene. I'm feeling younger and more efficient again and not only because I'm chasing an infant around who has learned to crawl before she's even 6 months old.
Also helping my writing is the complete lack of interesting TV. Thrones is over for the season and my other summer fun, Salvation, is almost done. I think the next thing I'm looking forward to is the second season of Stranger Things. The Defenders on Netflix was okay even though I'm not a fan of Iron Fist, the series or the actor. I am looking forward to The Punisher later this year.
I will not be posting next Monday on Labor Day. We'll probably be doing the family cookout and games thing.
Are you making plans for Labor Day weekend? See the eclipse? Did you watch The Defenders? Do you have share buttons on your blog?
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