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Today, let's salute all those who have served our country in the armed services. My father was a WWII vet. He dropped out of high school and joined up as soon as he was old enough. Like so many of the brave men who left home behind to protect their families and country after Pearl Harbor, he's passed on from this life. I miss him everyday.
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In our modern world, somethings about war have changed but one thing has stayed the same. There are still brave men and women doing all they can to protect their country and families. They're far from home, under lots of stress and in my opinion, underpaid. They're heroes. I hope we all remember that today.
Thank you, veterans, for what you've done and the sacrifices you've made.
So glad to see another blogger indulging a respectful post re 11-11-11.
It's unbelievable how self-interest can plague blogdom sometimes. Where did respect and manners go?!
Thank you veterans and active duty soldiers alike.
Great post, Sue.
Great post! Thank you for honoring our men and women in uniform who have served us!
I'm fortunate that my dad, who also dropped out of high school to serve his country in WW II, is still was us. God bless him and all who have served.
Thanks is never enough. My father served in Vietnam and was active military for years. We can both be proud of that they did for their country.
Happy Veteran's Day. Reminders like this post honor so many brave soldiers, today and past. Thanks!
Wonderful tribute!
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