Welcome to the last quarter of 2021 and the first Wednesday of the month's bloghop, IWSG. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and the entire IWSG staff for this amazing group of supportive writers. I feel so grateful and fortunate to be part of IWSG. Find the entire group of participants here.
This month's optional question:
How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?
What a question. I've been so busy lately, I've had little time to reflect on where I am in my own career. I always get a little thrill holding one of my books in my hands. I've had some financial success, but it's an up and down thing. I certainly couldn't live on what I make writing. I feel successful when I actually feel like a writer. When I'm submitting work even if it results in a rejection. When I working on changes from an editor. Those writer-ly things. This blog hop makes me feel like part of a community of serious writers. Am I successful? I would say moderately so, but I'm not sure where I should set the mark. When one of my books becomes a Netflix show? I count Nancy Springer as a successful writer friend. She writes the Enola Holmes series, has her Netflix show, but I know she keeps plugging away at the next book. We all keep on going and that's how we become successful.
"He conquers who endures." Italian Proverb
On to more business, my daughter is back from Jordan, thanks for all your wishes and prayers, but she's still in Boston. I'll be seeing her over Labor Day.
My husband is excited for the start of football season on all levels. Watching our son coach high school, cheering on Penn State, and watching Pro teams to cheer for his fantasy players. If not for Football, I would see no reason to have TV beyond streaming services at all. I think all I watch on the screen are shows I've watched before. Background noise, mostly.
I pray the world stays open as the fall moves in with winter on its tail. I don't mind wearing a mask if it means the kids get to go to school and we can shop in stores.
I'm still indulging in not having to mow grass and no leaves to rake later this month. My granddaughter is keeping me busy and challenged. She keeps my mind young, but I'm not sure about the body keeping up with all that energy. We've been spending hours swimming, but it will be too cold for that soon.
Wish you all good books to read and flowing words to put on the page.
"The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money." Thomas Jefferson
Are you feeling successful in your career be it writing or other business? Are you watching something good or reading something great? Please share.