Wednesday, August 2, 2023

IWSG: August 2023


Welcome to the monthly blog hop, IWSG, and led by our creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh. Join the entire group of bloggers on this list as we share and our successes and give support to other writers.

If you haven't read this IWSG inspirational post, I hope you'll take a few minutes and check it out. Would love to see your own comments after reading it.

This month's optional question:

Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

I don't know if conflicted is the correct word. I have changed or deleted scenes or characters because I wasn't sure I represented them correctly. I have cut ties with a fellow writer who thought science could be interpreted as something offensive. Science is science, or at least my degree claims it is. I hope my writing never hurts anyone, but in today's world, it seems everything hurts or offends someone.

I have been getting a lot of writing done in the last month. Not my fastest work ever, but I feel more enthusiastic about than any of my more recent projects.

I started an online class sponsored by Pennwriters. I've shared how my romance publisher closed their doors and returned all my rights to me. And I have the rights back to my high fantasy series also. The class is to guide writers like me through the self-publishing process. I've never wanted to self-publish but I have no other options at this point. I will continue to work on my new stuff while I try to figure this all out.

Summer has flown by, and I'm not looking forward to cooler weather though the recent heat was a bit much even for me. I hope you all were safe and cool enough.

No much new to watch anywhere and with the strike, there's not going to be much new for months. Time to re-watch some old favorites. Now I'll have no excuse not to be writing.

Do you believe you are easily offended? Have you read anything recently where you felt the writer should have removed that part? Has the heat been too much for you? Have you ever taken an online class?