Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IWSG: October 2024


Hello all and happy fall. Time for our monthly blog hop. Thank you to the admins of the Insecure Writers Support Group who keep this show running. And a special thanks to our founder, Alex J. Cavanuagh, who saw the need for writers to share their woes, experiences, and expertise.

Today's optional question:

Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

I don't think I have a favorite ghost story. I'm not into ghost tales. One of my favorite uses of ghosts in a movie is The Lord of the Rings when Aragon called on the ghosts who had betrayed his ancestors and they fought beside him to save Gondor. They were cooler in the book, but the movie did a pretty good job.

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” - Stephen King

This month is my blog's anniversary. I shared my first blog in 2008. The blog-o-sphere was a much busier place then and I blogged three times a week. I don't know how I kept that up and still had time to write. In the years since, three bloggers I felt close to passed away. It was an odd sadness when I had never spoken to those people in person. More bloggers have just stopped blogging. I haven't. Yet. And there are enough friends still active to keep me here.

On the other hand, there are some blogs that thrive and grow. One of those is Terrible Minds by Chuck Wendig. He does a lot of promo for his own successful books but also for other writers. He also blogs about a lot of things important to writers. Here is his opinion on the NaNoWriMo fiasco. And then his take on Generative AI. I read most of his content.

Finally, some new stuff on TV. I'm watching the Rings of Power on Amazon. It moves so slow sometimes and has so many story lines, but it keeps me interested. I'm going to catch up on the new season of Tulsa King on Paramount, and The Old Man on Hulu. I guess I'm feeling my age that I'm enjoying shows where the main characters are old folks.

I hope whereever you live, you're getting some sunshine today. We're on our 11th straight day of clouds, drizzle, and endless rain. I know we need rain and some people like rain, but I would be happy in the desert. And I have relatives in the south who are fortunately all safe, but I feel for all those who were in the path of the recent hurricane.

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

Do you enjoy ghost stories? How long have you been blogging? Is there a good informative blog you follow faithfully? Did the recent storms impact you?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

IWSG: September 2024


Welcome to this month's IWSG blog hop. As usual thanks to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the admins of IWSG. Find more bloggers who are sharing their news and giving support on this list.

This month's optional question:

Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

Excellent question. I struggled with 'never end a sentence with a proposition' bull when I first started writing. A few others that really don't apply to fiction writing like using complete sentences. People don't talk or think in completes sentences all the time. I can't wait to read what everyone has to say.

Some new TV is slowly being offered. The Rings of Power started off grim and dark as expected. I'm looking forward to the return of the second season of The Old Man on Hulu and the Tulsa King on Paramount +. We'll wait and see what the networks have to offer.

I'm still doing good on my exercising. My granddaughter and I spent a lot of time and distance on our bikes the last few weeks. Since she's mastered the skill, we've been doing about 4 miles a day. Not a big distance but her legs are still pretty little. Long walks on other days.

The writing is going well. I'm about 70,000 words on my latest. I'm also busy planning the 2025 Pennwriter's Conference which will be held in Pittsburgh next May. More details coming in the next few months. I've also signed up to be involved in two book events. More on that next month.

IWSG has brought up AI a few times. Here's an opinion from Chuck Wendig.  My other writing group had already been advising members to stay away from NaNo. I have to agree.

What writing rules have you been breaking? Have you heard about the NaNo scandal? Hope your neck of the woods is cooling off as we rush toward fall.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

IWSG: August 2024

 Welcome to my take on IWSG first Wednesday blog hop. Thanks to all the admins of IWSG and our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh. And to find all the other participants, check out the list.

This month's optional question:

Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?

Like many people, I use Grammarly. And I'm sure there are ways I use AI without even being aware of it. Is the stupid auto-correct on my phone, AI? I don't use it to write my content or brainstorm, or to create audio. I've attended a few workshops about it. Many writers are using AI to help with blurbs and such things. I haven't turned there. I feel like everyone's answer to this question will evolve.

I want to apologize for missing last month's IWSG. I think that might be the second time since the very beginning since I skipped a month. The time really got away from me.

I've been busy working on my WIP. I'm over 60K and have been averaging about 500 words per day. I'm kind of pleased with it though this first draft is really, really rough. My hope is to have it completed and a more polished version ready for next year's Pennwriters Annual Conference.

"It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." Confucius

I'm looking forward to the upcoming final season of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix and the next season of The Rings of Power on Amazon. I've barely turned on the TV all summer.

Still exercising on a pretty regular basis despite the heat. I've always liked the heat, but I'm more careful since I'm an old lady now. A few more weeks of the pool being open. That helps when I have that to look forward to at the end of a 4 mile walk. Summer goes by so fast.

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." Woody Allen

Is your opinion about AI in writing evolving? Do you have thoughts about where this will lead? Has the extra hot summer changed your routines?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

IWSG: June 2024


Whew, I almost put the wrong date in my post. I typed 2026 but fortunately caught it. Time is flying but not that fast. But it is time for the monthly get together of the IWSG blog hop. As usual, thanks to our founder,  Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the IWSG admins who do so much. Find the entire list of participants here.

This month's optional question:

In this constantly evolving industry, what kind of offering/service do you think the IWSG should consider offering to members?

Good question, but not sure of the answer. I've learned so much from IWSG and met so many amazing writers, many of whom feel like close friends. I've been thinking of some things being done in my other writing groups. I'm not sure if they are things that would work for IWSG. 

One is a write-in, held on Zoom at certain times where writers meet and just write together. Participants come and go as they need. Sometimes the moderator starts the write-in with a short spiel about something writing related. Sometimes the write-in starts with participants sharing what they're working on. One group does this one day a week. Another group does it every weekday.

A second thing one of my groups does is have once monthly review parties. There are different ways to organize these, but the goal is to help other writers get reviews for their books.

Last month an amazing thing happened. I was privileged to meet L. Diane Wolfe in person. She was a guest of Pennwriters in Lancaster PA where she led workshops and took pitches from hopeful writers. She is even more wonderful than I expected. What energy! Everyone loved her. She was kind, funny, knowledgeable, and just a light wherever she went.

The entire conference was great fun and very informative, but Diane was one of the biggest highlights for me.

I'm still working steadily on my newest fantasy series. I hope to have the first draft done by the end of the summer. It's a really, really rough draft.

My exercising is going well and the warm weather always motivates me. And the swimming pool is open. I've been jogging at least two days a week and walking at least three days. My jogging is soooo slow that my younger self wouldn't even have called it jogging, but it works my muscles so much better than walking.

TV and streaming is so boring for me right now. I'm rewatching Fringe for the third time because I can't find anything I want to watch.

Do you have any ideas for IWSG moving forward? Have you made some forever friends in this group? Have you had a chance to meet any of them in person?

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

IWSG: May 2024

 It's difficult to believe it's 2024 and soon to be summer. I do love the hot weather nearly as much as I love IWSG. Please share all you insecurities with the participants on this list and my usual thanks and appreciation to the IWSG admins and our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

This month's optional question: How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?

I tend to write late at night after most distractions are already in bed. This is a holdover from my years teaching when the only time I had to myself was usually between 9PM and midnight. It's still my most productive time.

In the meantime, I'm about 40K into the new novel. The ideas are coming too fast and I can't keep up. It's fun to be there again.

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Maya Angelou

Only two weeks until the Pennwriters Annual Conference. Can't wait. I'll share any writing tidbits I pick up with you next month. For the first time in years, the bookseller will be selling some of my books at the conference book sale. Hoping to gain some new fans.

We're lucky to have Hank Phillippi Ryan as our keynote. Her books are great and she's a tremendous speaker.  Our other keynote, Timons Esaias, has been an instructor in a MFA for creative writing program for years. He's published many poems and short stories in speculative fiction magazines. I've attended his workshops numerous times in the past. He's a winner and very entertaining.

I'm looking forward to watching Shardlake on Hulu starting today. I've been a fan of those books for years and I do love historical thrillers and mysteries. In the meantime, I've been watching Beacon 23 on Amazon. I read that book a long time ago, and I don't remember at all how the story spools out.

Keeping busy with the warmer weather with walking, jogging, and riding bike. I feel strong but I haven't really lost any weight. Sigh...

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible!'" Audrey Hepburn

Are you easily distracted when writing? Do you usually write at a certain time of day? Have you a favorite writer you'd like to hear as an inspirational speaker?

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

IWSG: April 2024

 Welcome to the monthly blog hop of the IWSG.  Please visit the site and check out all the participants, and don't forget to thank our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the admins of this terrific group. Let's share our pain and triumphs with other writers.

This month's optional question:

How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

Well, I've been blogging since 2008 so, a long time. I was on Facebook at about the same time. It's not my favorite place and I started Twitter whenever it started. I've had an Instagram account for a number of years but have only recently started being more active on there. Instagram is the most distracting for me. I really like the content I find there. I always feel a bit sad about how blogging isn't what it once was, but I have made real friends through this blog. I've never liked Facebook and only visit because I feel I shouldn't totally let it go and I see pictures of my relatives on there. Twitter is often mean. I've blocked so many negative people on there. Will we ever call it X? Never expect to see me on TikTok.

I still working on my new WIP and have taken a pause in getting my previously published books back out there since I now have all my rights back from the publishers. I did the work and have re-published my two completed fantasy series. The Morbunda Trilogy and The Futhark Chronicles are now available on Amazon. I still have more than 20 science fiction romance novels to re-publish.

I watched the 3 Body Problem on Netflix. I found it to be okay but I don't get all the hoopla about it. I enjoyed the new version of Roadhouse

In some cool news, my granddaughter has joined in my jigsaw puzzle hobby. Though she just turned 7, she's doing 300 piece puzzle by herself. She used an end of my puzzle table while I'm working my my 3,000 piece puzzles and we talk about everything. I know all the first grade intrigue from her elementary school which I can't share because I'm sworn to silence.

I hope spring is heading your way. Be safe if you're lucky enough to see the eclipse next week. I'm excited about it.

What is your preferred social media contact with the world? Any social media you despise? Is spring upon your abode yet? Did you love The 3 Body Problem

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

IWSG: March 2024

 It's warm, rainy, and March. Welcome to another blog hop of IWSG. Please check out the entire list of participants here. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and to all the admins who provide a safe place for writers of all genres and all levels of experience.

This month's optional question:

Have you "played" with AI to write those nasty synopses, or do you refuse to go that route? How do you feel about AI's impact on creative writing?

Excellent topic. I can't wait to read everyone's opinion and experiences. I have not used AI for any of my writing stuff. I think it's a slippery slope. I know some writers who are touting it, and I think they are sliding down that slope. AI can already duplicate your physical voice and with training, can duplicate writing styles. Some AI companies have already been sued for using writers' work to train their AI. We all like to think that nothing can replace human creativity, but I think that belief underestimates AI's possibilities. I fear AI's impact on the writing world. 

And let's not get started on SKYNET.  LOL

My own writing is going pretty good. New stuff is getting done, though slower than I'd wish. Old stuff is getting editing and new covers. I'm almost done with that for the immediate future. I'll have my two completed fantasy series available on Amazon very soon. Book #3 in The Futhark Chronicles, Beneath the Mountain, is now available on Amazon.

I'm feeling good about exercising. With the warmer weather, I'm off the elliptical and back on the road with my old-lady jog.

I'm really disappointed in Netflix. They canceled two shows I enjoyed, Shadow and Bone and The Brothers Sun.  At least a few network shows I follow are back on, but I'm not really exited about any of them except Will Trent.

I'm busy organizing the registration for the 37th Annual Pennwriters Conference being held in Lancaster this year. I'm so excited to meet in person, L. Diane Wolfe, who will be attending, leading workshops and taking pitches from attendees. She's making a long drive and we appreciated it.

Do you think you're read anything written by AI? Do you attend in-person writing conferences or workshops? Any shows you love get cancelled lately?