Saturday, November 22, 2008

Updating my Website

I’ve spent the morning updating my website. What a chore for a novice like me. I long for the day I can hire a professional to do that job. I have friends who employ others to create and maintain their sites. I envy them their gadgets, clever designs and gimmicks. But I am learning little by little how to make my site more user friendly and easy to navigate. Each time I spend a few hours on it, I figure out how one more thing works. I’ve also learned a few things about drawing people to me site. One of the things I did today was to put links to some of my friends on the front page. Hopefully, that will help create those invisible lines that also bring more people to my website.
Check out:
I’ve also divided my website into my two identities, Susan Gourley and Susan Kelley. By clicking on either name, you can visit the romance author or the fantasy author. It will be even more effective if I ever get my cover for The Keepers of Sulbreth from Medallion Press.
I have further plans for my website but I must get back to my WIP, the fourth book in The Chronicles of Solonia. Visit my website to learn more about the first three.

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