Friday, November 8, 2013

Oh, How I Miss You, Stephen

Another clever idea from some of the wonderful, ambitious bloggers in my sphere of cyberspace. Alex Cavanaugh, Andrew Leon, and Matthew MacNish organized this blogfest where one can mention a blogger they've missed or would miss if they should drop out of this strange blogging life.

I don't remember how I first met Stephen Tremp, but I immediately began following his blog for a number of reasons. First of all, he often writes about science, sharing facts in ways anyone can understand without oversimplifying things. Also, he writes action filled suspense which I like to read. Add to that how Stephen is a very generous, kind person. He's also a committed family man and that's a fine quality in a person. I've missed Stephen's blog posts a lot lately. His blog moved around for a bit and somehow I kept overlooking his new residence when I visited blogs and I would only find him on occasion. I think I have finally put his blog back on my sidebar, I think, and removed his old address. I've missed him, but I'm not missing him anymore.

Did you check out the other participants in this blog hop? You might meet some people you want to never miss again. Do you know Stephen?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen was one of my very first followers and I would miss him as well! You're right that he is one of the most generous people out there.

Kirsten said...

I've met some really cool bloggers so far on this bloghop! Stephen Tremp has been a bit hard to keep track of lately, but I'll make another effort!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and I enjoy Stephen's blog a lot too!

PK HREZO said...

Aw, what a great tribute to Stephen! He's a great choice!!

cleemckenzie said...

You chose well. He's a great blogger!

David P. King said...

Well how about that! Someone hit 500 followers. Congrats, Susan! I know i would miss Stephen if he had to leave for some reason. :)

Julie Flanders said...

Stephen is awesome. I felt so awful for him when he had all that blog trouble. Glad he's back on track again now. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

I agree with your choice, Stephen is awesome.

Rachna Chhabria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dana said...

His blog is great!

Matthew MacNish said...

Stephen is great! I love his science posts.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Stephen is a fine writer. I'm glad you re-connected. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. :-)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Everyone! knows Stephen.

The Happy Whisk said...

I laughed at the line about people you want to never miss again.

Have a great weekend and boogie boogie.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Susan. Stephen would be missed by a lot of people if he left the world of blogging. Great choice!

Sherry Ellis said...

I know Stephen. He certainly would be missed!

J.L. Campbell said...

Agreed, Stephen does have some interesting and informative posts.

Christine Rains said...

Stephen is fabulous! Have a terrific weekend. :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Stephen is an excellent choice as he would be missed by so many people.

Arlee Bird said...

I've followed Stephen Tremp from early on and he's been a valuable part of the A to Z Team. I've enjoyed his book series immensely. He's had some hassles with his site in the past year, but I hope he's gotten them smoothed over.

A Faraway View

Cate Masters said...

Fun idea for a blog hop :) Off to check out Stephen's blog. I have missed him!

Jay Noel said...

Love Stephen! Especially his science posts.

Andrew Leon said...

I have that book on my list!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

This is a lovely tribute to Stephen, the blogger and the person. Nice, Susan.

Mark Koopmans said...

I agree! Stephen is a great choice and the Blogisfear would be a worse place without his positive posts :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Stephen is a great choice.
This is a wonderful tribute to him.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Stephen's a great guy; good choice. :)

The Warrior Muse