Also if you've signed up and would like to expand your A to Z experience, I could still use a few Dragon Soldiers. Check out the cool badge you can display on your blog sidebar. You know you want
one. Let me know in the comments and I'll get back to you sooner than a dragon can start a fire.
Tomorrow, to fire up the enthusiasm for April, we'll have our first Twitter Chats from 1 pm to 2 pm and from 8 pm to 9 pm, all times EST. These chats will continue every Thursday from tomorrow until the end of April. Check it out at #atozchallenge or #AZchat. Hope to see you then.
Also tomorrow I will be a guest at The Dabbler where Dianna Gunn, publicity expert with Musa Publishing will host me. Hope you'll stop over there.

that sold pretty well when first released. What if nobody wants it who hasn't already purchased it? Nothing is a sure thing in this business. Wish me luck.
And today, you should stop by IWSG group where Janice Hardy is our guest. She has some great things to say about improving your manuscript.
We're expecting more snow later today and then two days of frigid cold before more snow on Sunday. Not to wish my life away, but winter really needs to move out of here. I think if you live anywhere in North America, you feel the same way.
"The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent." Carl Sagan
I think that fits Mother Nature's attitude about now.
I'm working on the 3rd Warrior of Gaviron book now that I have a small breather between edits for my fantasy series. Not sure how long that breather will last so maybe the cold is a good thing, keeping me inside to write. Looking for a silver lining here.
Have you ever had a book reissued and if so, did it do well? Can you join us for a Twitter chat tomorrow? Are you signed up for the theme reveal? Do you agree with Carl Sagan?
That almost makes me want to be a Minion.
Your book will find a new audience and many more sales - trust in it.
And we are to be really damn cold over the next few days.
HI, Susan,
EEEK! Is it time for the A-Z already?!!! Skip a few weeks of blogging and it's a world gone mad. LOL. Sadly I don't think I will have a second to participate this year. With moving, again, and trying to find a manuscript a home, I don't know when I will have to breathe.
I admire your tenacity, Susan. AND, CONGRATS on your newest book. The cover is AWESOME and the banner looks great on your header.... ALL THE BEST!
Good luck on the reissue!
That's a great A-Z badge. I'm sure your dragon soldiers will be proud to display it.
We're having a bit of a "cold spell" here in FL but I'm not complaining. Not. At. All. I'll take it. :)
I have a book whose rights should revert to me soon. It did pretty well with the publisher but I'm debating whether to reissue it with another publisher or go indy. Right now I'm leaning toward indy.
Re: Sagan
Absolutely. The more I see, the more it seems true.
Love the badge. I hear we're getting more snow, too. Yay.
Hi Susan, I would love to help out with the AtoZ challenge. Count me in. :)
Also, I am SO over the snow and cold here in Philly. Summer couldn't come soon enough for me.
Best of luck with the reissue. And the badge is super cool! Hopefully it'll warm up soon for ya.
Thanks for the encouragement. Hope you didn't get all that ice yesterday.
Thanks, Michael. It's so great to hear from you.
I saw it was cold in Fl. No place is safe.
You have many more of the skills needed to do indy than I do.
Snow, so pretty yet so evil.
Ouch, I know Philly got more than we did a few times. I'm a bit west of you.
You made my day. I'm counting you in. Will send an email shortly.
Thanks. TB. Hope you're warm across the pond.
Nothing is a sure thing indeed, good luck with it. Yep, winter needs to go far far away
Looking forward to it :)
Thanks, Pat. I think you're having a worse winter than me.
Yay for the A to Z Challenge! I really want to come play this year, but I know it will kill me with a newborn. *sigh* Next year, eh?
I'm definitely wishing you luck - and sending good positive vibes your way!!
Heck yes to no more winter. Please?
You're so busy! Best of luck with the reissue. I know it's stressful and scary, but I know it'll do well. :)
You're so busy! Best of luck with the reissue. I know it's stressful and scary, but I know it'll do well. :)
I never argue with Carl Sagan, lol
The new cover looks great! Hope it does well for you.
Wishing you luck.
Boy, I'm sick of winter. I keep telling it to leave, but it just won't listen.
I hope I can join one of the chats sometime. I'll try to squeeze it in while I'm busy working :)
Tomorrow will be our fourth snow day in a row. They already called it! I'm going cabin crazy.
You're going to be busier than those of doing the challenge.
Told my daughter to check out your blog and your pictures.
Thanks for the encouragement, Chrys.
Thanks, Cate. Great to see you at the book signing.
Thanks, Ivy.
I'll look for you on the chats.
We've had tons of delays for the schools around here and I think four snow days though not in a row.
I actually don't agree with Mr. Sagan. I think the universe is excited over where we're headed. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Meanwhile, have fun on the A-Z challenge. I'm doing it with 5 others. Does that count?
I love your dragon badge! You make me want to do the challenge just to display it. I covet all things fantasy.
I disagree with Carl Sagan, emphatically. People are passionate beings with their longing to create, do, BE. Nature is passion as every living thing fights with every spark they have to keep breathing and thrive. Life is way more than indifference and only humans are able to accept such abundance and wonder with a casual brush off. And only a few accomplish it so completely.
The universe certainly seems indifferent. As does Mother Nature. Good luck with your reissue!
Hi Susan ... I'll be back on the minion circuit next year for the A-Z .. I'm going to make sure I heal completely this year - I'm ahead in that process ... but gives me some 'freedom' to move ...
The planet is always changing ... sometimes a bit of a wobble, or a spurt which inures a few ... but our earth is something we cannot control ... it'll win in the end - we just want to make sure we enjoy our time on it, and live life to the full ..
Cheers - and glad my blog is so identifiable with its conkers, sticks, brooks etc ... I am so glad that snow is not over here! Take care - Hilary
I'm in for the theme reveal, for sure. And wow - your writing mojo inspires me to get back to work! Congrats on your re-release and your writing! Let us know how that re-release goes, because I'm super curious. :)
And . . . on the weather thing - the Pacific Northwest is on some other weird weather pattern entirely than the rest of North America. We haven't had rain - or at least not as much as we normally would. And, we haven't had snow - all the ski areas have closed because we don't have enough snow, even in the mountains. My husband, a snowboard instructor when he's not an engineer M-F, is totally bummed.
Anyway, I hope your weather turns warmer, soon!
Oh boy! Those were a lot of questions. Let's see, first and foremost, as one who is enduring a very tough winter in Chicago, I agree with Carl Sagan completely. I've signed up for the Theme Reveal and the A to Z Challenge. Can't wait. Thanks for all that you do and for the reminders. Will definitely check out IWSG today. I could use some suggestions. I'm stuck.
I definitely agree with Carl Sagan. I also agree with you about winter. Mercy! Good luck with your reissue.
Hi, the winter is finally coming to an end, I think, in the South. We may have a round of ice next weekend, but forecasts do not agree. I like the look of your book and will check it out on Amazon. Also signing up now for the Blogging A to Z. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me on my Blitz Day.
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