Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Q: A to Z Blogging Challenge

For my 2016 A to Z Challenge, I’m sharing three facts for each letter. The genres I write and love to read are mostly science fiction and high or epic fantasy. In fantasy, there is often magic associated with crystals or metals. They also used herbs both for medicine and for magical spells. Each day I will post a short description of an herb or a mineral you might find in medieval or fantasy writings. For the record, most of the herbal remedies I’ve investigated are not recommended by the FDA. Many are actually poisonous and dangerous. As tribute to my second love, I will post a scientific fact that may deal with physics, biology or health science. And because another name for a writer is wordsmith, each day I’ll share a strange word that I would probably never use in my writing, but that amuse me in some way. So enjoy my trio of quick facts. And don’t forget to visit the IWSG site where we’ll share a writer’s resource for every day of the challenge.

Quidnunc: Busybody, a gossip.

Quartz is very popular in the use of magic. They are used for protection, healing or increasing magical powers.

Quasars are compact regions in the center of massive galaxies. Usually a quasar surrounds a super massive black hole. They emit radio waves that are studied to learn about the origins of the universe. The word quasar is short for quasi-stellar radio source.

Do you know a quidnunc? Do you own anything made of quartz? What color? Is that twinkling star you see actually a quasar?

Some humor for today.
"When I was born, I was so surprised that I didn't talk for a year and a half." Gracie Allen


M.J. Fifield said...

Quidnunc is a great word.

I honestly don't know if I own anything made of quartz, but I have used it in stories.

Maria Zannini said...

I'm going to have to share that Gracie Allen quote with my husband. :)

nashvillecats2 said...

Never heard of Quidnunc before, most interesting.

Nicola said...

Adore the word quidnunc! I'm gonna use that one!

Pat Hatt said...

Never knew they could increase magical powers lol or maybe placebo increase.

betty said...

I had not heard of quidnunc before until this challenge; read it as part of a story on another person's blog doing the challenge. What a fascinating word for a busybody/gossiper :)


cleemckenzie said...

Thank you for Quidnunc. I now have a way to tell someone what I think of them without their knowing what the heck I mean.

LissaJ said...

My high school Latin is extremely rusty, but I believe quidnunc is a compound word translating roughly to 'this now'. Not sure how it relates to 'busybody' unless they are just so excited to gossip, they have to tell you this NOW.

Mike said...

great words

John Holton said...

"Quidnunc" translates from Latin as "What now?"

I wrote about Quasars for my word today; it's a portmanteau for "quasi-stellar radio source."

John Holton
Blogging from A to Z Challenge Co-Host
The Sound of One Hand Typing

Stephen Tremp said...

Quasars are really cool. Just don't get too close to one. And we had a Quasar TV when I was a kid.

J E Oneil said...

I always thought quasars sounded cool. And I love quartz. I actually know quite a bit about the different types. Not that I'll admit to how...

Jo said...

Heard quidnunc before but wouldn't have known what it meant had you asked. Yes, I own some quartz, amber gold colour. Not sure what the correct term is. Much as I am interested in space I rarely look at the stars. Not sure why.

Anonymous said...

Another blogger highlighted quasars today too.

~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

messymimi said...

A quidnunc is absolutely what i do not ever want to be! Yes, i know a few.

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Every village has at least one Quidnunc (is that just two Latin words stuck together - whatnow?). I have several quartz crystals - rose and clear.
Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

Unknown said...

Continue to enjoy 'learning' by your posts. Especially enjoyed Gracie's comment. She was a fantastic lady!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Yes, indeed, I know several quidnuncs. :D

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Is that quartz as in watches? I loved Gracie Allen. I've watched a few of the old episodes with her and her husband George Burns. She died when I was a kid. She was so funny.