Wednesday, September 7, 2022

IWSG: September 2022

 September already though the weather is still like summer. It's time for the monthly bloghop with all the awesome members of the IWSG. Thanks to our founder Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the amazing admins who make this group so dynamic and helpful. Find the entire list here.

What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why? 

I believe historical fiction would be the worse for me. Too many chances to make a mistake. I admire historical fiction writers. They do so much research. I would be so afraid of getting something incorrect, that I wouldn't be able to tell the story. I've witnessed authors being attacked for a mistake in something like language or food, or any number of things. I do love to read it, so I'm glad other writers tackle it with skill and creativity.

I always dreaded the fall when I was teaching. It was no fun to return to school after a few months off. Since I retired from teaching, I've liked fall so much more. The last few years, I've been busy watching my granddaughter. But this year, she started kindergarten. For the first week, she cried every day as she got on the bus, but she loved being at school. Just that bus in the morning was terrifying for her. She's over it this week, but it wasn't so fun last week.

The Rings of Power have grabbed my attention so I hope it stays that way. Blood of the Dragon has bored me to sleep. None of the characters seem interesting. I don't understand why of all the options for a prequel, they chose to make it about a family of incestuous, unstable, megalomaniacs. I guess so they could have dragons.

Fortunately, I have lots of good books to read. I hope you'll find the time to read the newest IWSG anthology, First Love: The Art of Making Donuts. All the stories are excellent. I have a short interview with the writers right here in about two weeks. Please come back and read it.

I'm writing some but it's slow going. Hope to pick up the pace with the coming darkness of fall and then winter. Doing some shopping for a new computer. Even though I need one, I had setting up a new one. I wish it was as easy as getting a new iPhone.

Next month, I'm attending a one day mini-con in Erie, PA. It is sponsored by a Pennwriters Group. It is always excellent. I was a workshop leader last year, but this year I'm looking forward to sitting in workshops and just enjoying the atmosphere and soaking up expertise. The date is October 8th if you live nearby. Here is the information.

Any genres you would never try to write in? Enjoying any new fare on streaming or TV? Would you like to attend a conference?


Liza said...

I agree with you about Historical fiction. I love reading it. I can't imagine researching it, even less writing it. I'm sure I'd get plenty wrong.

Anonymous said...

I hope I don't miss your interviews. Sounds interesting.

Wish I lived near the conference you're attending, I'd love to go.

From T. Powell Coltrin Writes @

nashvillecats2 said...

I too would think history hard to write, I like to write what is happening in recent times.
Hope all is well with you Susan.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I agree about historical fiction. I like to read it, but would hesitate to try to write it. Although, never say never! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

How sad she was scared of the bus.

I wish I did live closer!

nashvillecats2 said...

First Love appears to be a very good book Susan,
There are many subjects I couldn't write poetry about.
I tend to write where I've been and what I#ve been doing.
Hope you are keeping well.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Having to ride the bus is a big adjustment. I'm glad to hear she's doing better with it.

I love historical fiction! But yeah, difficult to write. I have on planned that's also an urban fantasy. I think that will give me more latitude.

Nick Wilford said...

I'm impressed by writers who can juggle telling the story with the level of research needed for historical. I'd be worried about messing something up too!

C. Lee McKenzie said...

Here's to another IWSG anthology!

Gwen Gardner said...

I'd forgotten about historical fiction. Yep, that'd be really hard for me too. But I like to read it as well.

I just retired as well. I love fall and it's my best writing time so I hope to get more done. Yay!

Kim Lajevardi said...

I'm with you on getting to love fall again. As a former teacher, I can look forward to the end of summer's heat without dreading a new semester.

Kim Lajevardi said...

My least desired genre to write is romance.

Damyanti Biswas said...

Congratulations on the anthology! Historical fiction can be a nightmare if we don't get the facts right. I can't imagine that kind of pressure!

Douglas Thomas Greening said...

I'm pretty sure if I tried historical fiction, that it would very heavily on the fiction and be full of misdated language and references. "Hey Dude, where's my toga?"
For the record, if I had to get on one of those school buses these days, I would cry too.

Loni Townsend said...

I tried my hand at a historical piece, though it also involved time travel and immortality, so I had a bit more flexibility as to the character portrayals. The historical aspects worked fine, but the plot was where I was lacking. It's in the drawer now, waiting for a day I dig it out again. :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan - I imagine going back to school after the summer is probably as bad for teachers as it is for kids! Writing books daunts me ... but I love reading historical fiction - but one does need to be relatively correct/accurate. Cheers Hilary

Miramar Beach said...

Great insights in this post! The encouragement to keep pushing forward as writers is always appreciated. I love the reminder that even small progress counts. Wishing you all the best with your writing goals this month! 📚✍️