I'm so proud to be a guest at Fresh Fiction today, January 15th. Help me celebrate the release of my fantasy novel, The Keepers of Sulbreth. Learn where I find the names for my characters and the world they inhabit. Also which names did I make up and which ones have a real fantastical history behind them.
And if you still don't have enough reason to visit, Fresh Fiction is running a contest for me. Leave a comment for a chance at a Barnes and Noble $25 gift card and a special treat from Chocolatetown, USA, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
I would love to hear your comments about naming characters and visit here on Sunday for a further article about the names I use in The Futhark Chronicles.
I enjoyed reading your piece as 'Guest speaker'. I find once I have the right name for my character they seem to come alive for me. If the name doesn't work striaghtway then I will change it. Like one of the comment said on the Fresh Fiction it it a difficult name to pronounce it's very off putting and I don't enjoy the book so much.
I feel the same way about difficult names. I don't mind odd spellings but when there are impossible arrangements of vowels together so one can't even guess at how to say it takes me out of the story.
I have books on the etymology of names, but the final decision comes with the feeling that the name is perfect for the character.
Straight From Hel
I know what you mean, Helen. Sometimes a name just feels right.
I'm back again. As far as characters, I thought I should mention that I never pick a name of someone I know (at least not intentionally). Also, I wanted to tell you that today I gave you the One Lovely Blog award. It's yours to pass on (or not).
Straight From Hel
Thank you, Helen. I will pass it on. Have a lovely day.
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